Queue statistics display a wide and detailed array of queue details
- Queue
- Select the queue for which you'd like to see statistics
- (ex. Click on the 'Please select' button to select 'All' (all queues) or a specific queue name and then click the 'Show' button)
- (Select box button)
- Date Range
- Statistics time period
- Example:
- Select the time period for which statistics are to be displayed.
- Members
- Queue members
- In PBXware users can filter statistics by Agent Group.
- Show statistic for all calls
- All incoming calls summary
- (ex. Click on this check box to show statistics for all calls)
- (Check box)
- Show statistics for all answered calls
- All incoming calls answered by the agents
- (ex. Click on this check box to show statistics for all answered calls)
- (Check box)
- Show statistics for all unanswered calls
- All unanswered calls are shown in statistics
- (ex. Click on this check box to show statistics for all unanswered calls)
- (Check box)
- Show statistics for entry position
- Show entry positions of the calls in the queue
- (ex. Click to show entry positions in statistics)
- (Check box)
- Show statistic per agents
- Per queue agent call statistics
- (ex. Click to show statistics per queue agent)
- (Check box)
- Show statistics for repeated callers
- Show all statistics for callers with repeated calls
- (ex. Click to show statistics with number of repeated calls from one CallerID)
- (Check box)
- Show statistics for queue callback calls
- Show all statistics for queue callback calls
- (ex. Click to show statistics with the number of calls in the queue with queue callback)
- (Check box)
- Show statistics for queue interrupt messages:
- Show all statistics for queue interrupt messages
- (ex. Show all statistics for calls where someone on the system played an interrupt message for callers waiting in the queue)
- (Check box)
- Call duration less than [s]
- Show statistics for calls less than the selected number of seconds
- (ex. 30 s)
- ([0-9] Select box)
- DID(s)
- Enter or select a DID/range for which the statistics will be shown
- (ex. 065765432)
- ([0-9])
- Show
- Display queue statistics
- (ex. A click on this button will open the statistics pop-up window. Displayed information may vary depending on the options set under basic and advanced options)
- (Button)
Design and code organization
New statistics are designed following MVC pattern as much as possible, in sitemanager and partially in pbxware.
Sitemanager Code is located inside folder reports with following structure:
- reports\controller - has controller classes where reports.php contains main controller (Reports).
- reports\model - has model classes. Each report has it’s own model responsible to get data from pbxware.
- reports\view\html - html view files
- reports\view\csv - csv view files
- reports\view\pdf - pdf view files
- reports\view\graph - graph view files
Pbxware Code is located inside queue_statistics folder (under lib folder) with following structure.
- reports\controller - has controller classes where statistics.php contains main controller (StatisticsController).
- reports\model - has model classes. Here one model can be responsible for more than one reports.
Parsing html by Scheduled reports is removed from pbxware. Now scheduled reports communicate with sitemanager using API, and every parsing data is done in sitemanager. JSON format is used for data transfer.
Types for Reports
Here is the list of available reports so far:
Available report filters are:
- Start and End date and time
- Queues
- Queue members
- Caller
- Call duration less or greater than
- Hold duration less or greater than
On basic menu you can filter in following time ranges : today, yesterday, week, month, or year. Also you can filter by queues. To generate statistics you first select one of the report by clicking on plus sign. Then this report will be moved in selected table. After you finish your selection, with show button you will get report[s] in new window.
Advanced options gives you all kind possibilities to filter data by previously mentioned filters.
Queue members, caller, call duration greater than and hold duration filters are new, while others were available in old queue statistics too. Queues filter and queue members can have list of active or all used queues, queue members respectively.
On settings you can choose for queues/queue member filter should they load all used or currently active queues/queue members.
Caller filter will filter caller number LIKE number you entered. So caller 200 will filter 0200, 20012, 061200 ….
New feature is time format filter, where you can set format in which time data will be displayed.
Every time field in report will be converted in one of the selected format:
- dd-hh-mm-ss normal time format e.g 01d 02h 03m 04s
- Days time format in days e.g 1.25d
- Hours time format in hours e.g 1.25h
- Minutes time format in minutes e.g 1.25m
- Seconds time format in seconds e.g 1.25s
This format is used for any time duration field like talk time, hold time, session time, pause time etc.
Statistics Templates
This is new feature that will be only available with 5.1 version.
On main page in right corner there is button that allows you save selected reports as template. Once this done next you can populate right table with above dropdown (Select template..). This will save time with finding right report that you want to run.
Also on this page you can update your selected template, showed in following screenshot.
As you can see once template is selected button in right corner is changed from Save template to Update template. This tells you that pressing this button will now update current selected template. To save as new you must unselect current template which is default when this page is loaded.
Managing this templates you can do in statistics templates page which can be found in Queues -> Statistics templates.
Here you can ADD, UPDATE and DELETE your templates.
Selecting templates is done in dropdown which must be confirmed with the plus sign button. After selecting templates you can also change the order. This affects how they will be shown and ran on the queue statistics page.
Report details
New stuff in view Hovering with mouse pointer on the table in the left corner, will result with displaying all filters that are used to generate report[s].
You can sort your data by any column.
You can search data in table. This will automatically apply search as you type.
Meaning of fields
This is the list of almost every field used in report tables. Some special fields used in particular report are explained within report description. Other fields are self explaining. All fields are explained as:
- Field name ( Synonym name ) - Description
Some fields can have more levels of information. This you can see in tables as they have one or two headers. Here they are presented as:
- Field
- Child field 1
- Child field 2
Fields: Agent - Showing agent number and name in format:
Agent number ( Name Last name)
Queue - Queue name Calls - It can be inbound or outbound or both
- Number - Number of calls
- Per Hour - Average number of calls made per hour
Calculated as: Per hour = Number of calls/Session time/3600. Note that this doesn’t include time when agent is on pause.
- Perc - Percentage of calls by all agents, by current agent calls
Calculated as: Calls / Total calls of all agents
- Answered - Answered agent calls
- Unanswered - Unanswered agent calls
Talk Time
- Total - Total agent talk time
- Mean - Mean/Average agent talk time
- Min - The minimum/shortest talk time
- Max - Max talk time
Hold Time
- Total - Total agent hold time
- Mean - Mean/Average agent hold time
- Min - The minimum/shortest hold time
- Max - Max hold time
Idle Time
- Total - Total agent idle time
Calculated as: Idle time = Session time - Pause time - talk time
Note that in old statistics Idle time was calculated as difference between session and talk time only!
Pause - Agent can be paused with or without reason code. Pause field will include both.
Note in old statistics we didn’t have pauses with reason codes.
- Total (Pause duration) - Total pause duration of all pauses
- Count - Number of pauses agent made
Pause with reason
- Total - Total pause duration of all pauses
- Count - Number of pauses agent made
Not ready - This will calculate all pauses without reason
- Total - Total pause duration of all pauses
- Count - Number of pauses agent made
Billable - billable option is used by pause with reason codes. Any pause that is set with option billable it will be calculated here.
- Duration - Pause duration for billable pauses
- Count - Number of pauses agent made for billable pauses
- Percent - Percentage of billable pause duration.
Percent = Billable duration / Pause duration *100 Note: It does not include not ready duration.
Payable - payable option is used by pause with reason codes. Any pause that is set with option payable it will be calculated here.
- Duration - Pause duration for payable pauses
- Count - Number of pauses agent made for payable pauses
- Percent - Percentage of payable pause duration.
- Percent = Payable duration / Pause duration *100
- Note: It does not include not ready duration.
- Total (Session duration) - Total time agent was logged in
- Mean - Mean/Average time agent was logged in
Calculated as: Mean time = Session time/Number of sessions
- Count - Number of sessions (logins)
Occupancy - Percentage of time when agent is occupied Calculated as: Occupancy = Talk time / (Session time - Pause time) * 100 Hng (Ag/Cal [Tr]) - (Agent/Caller[Transfer]) - Hang-ups statistic for agents and callers
- Number - Number of call hang-ups by Agent/Caller[Transfer]
- Percent - Percentages of call hang-ups by Agent/Caller[Transfer]
Agenthangups [%] - Number/Percentage of calls ended by agents
Callerhungups [%] - Number/Percentage of calls ended by callers
Transfers [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that are transferred
Abandoned [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that are abandoned
Timed out [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that ended with timeout
Dumps [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that are dumped by agent or caller
Busy [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that were busy (outbound)
No answer [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that ended with no answer (outbound)
Cancel [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that are canceled (outbound)
Unqualified [%] - Number/Percentage of calls that finished in a different manner
Meaning of breakdown fields
All fields are explained as:
Field name ( Synonym name ) - Description
- Callid - Showing id of event
- Date - Date when event happened
- Callerid - caller extension
- Queue - name of queue where event happened (empty for outbound events )
- Agent - agent number (NONE if call didn’t connect with agent)
- Wait time - waiting time in seconds
- Talk time - talking time in seconds
- Entry - Caller position in a queue at a point of entry
- Exit - Caller position in a queue at a point of exit
- Transfered - extension where call is transfered
- Dumped - showing if caller is dumped
- Ended (Event type) - name of event
- Start - datetime when event started
- Duration - duration of current event
- Extension - extension on which current event happened
- Reason code - this is used with agent PAUSE event. It will display reason name if agent is paused using pause reason codes, otherwise it will be empty.
- Entry CALLS NOT CONNECTED shows Queue unanswered calls, or call that did not connect with agents.
- Mean hold time is calculated for each row (Group and normal rows)
Mean = hold time/calls
- Mean talk time is calculated for each row (Group and normal rows)
Mean = talk time/calls
Agent availability
This report includes all calls that agents had (inbound and outbound) and it has the most information. Along with this report you have additional possbility to download CSV for Agents performance and assesment. This two CSV files are special and they will show more information about agents and their calls per day.
Unanswered - used only for outbound unanswered calls. It does not include agent missed calls.
Any calls that were not connected with agent, will be displayed in row with agent name CALLS NOT CONNECTED. It is left in table like this so that you can make comparing. You can easily find this row using our search box like shown in next picture.
Agent dumped calls
This report will show you how many agent had dumped call. Note that for one call, Agent can dump several times. Total is number of calls agent had including calls that dumped.
On graph you can compare dumped calls between agents.
Agent missed calls
Shows details about agent misses calls (Ring no answer events).
Meaning of fields:
- Missed - Number of calls agent missed (RING NO ANSWER)
- Total - Total number of calls agent had
- Percent - Percentage of calls by agent missed calls
Calculated as: Percent = Missed / Total * 100
- Avg Ring time - Average ring time
Agent pauses
Show details about agent pauses. In order to work properly “Agent reason codes” should be used. Each pause (reason code) can be billable or payable which is set during Reason code configuration. Agent can go in pause state or not ready state. Not ready state can not be billable or payable, but this field is added for comparison.
Details about every pause can be found on breakdown which is explained in breakdown chapter.
Agent sessions and pauses
Show details about agent pauses and session. With this report you can compare agent pauses against agent logins.
Pause calculation include pause with reason and not ready.
Pause % - Percentage of session duration by pause (with and without reason) duration.
Pauses per session - number of pauses (with and without reason) per session
Agent Occupancy
Pause duration will include pause time with and without reason. This value is used to to calculate occupancy.
occ =talktime/session-pause * 100;
Agent inbound calls
This report will show all inbound calls agent had.
Agent inbound calls per queues
This kind of report are new. This report will show all inbound calls per agent, but also calls will be differentiate by queue.
Per Hour is summarized for agents per each queue, because we can not have session time per queue. So per hour on that queue is not fully correct, because it is including session time for every queue that agent is logged in,on the other hand summarized value per agents is correct.
Agent Outbound calls
This report show you all outgoing calls made by agents.
Entry positions
This report will show you position of calls when entering queue.
Meaning of fields:
- Min - minimum position caller when entered in queue
- Max - maximum position caller when entered in queue
- Mean - average position caller when entered in queue
Queue calls
This report is also new one. We are showing all calls per each queue, how many is answered/unanswered. Talk time is summarized talk time for every call answered by agent. Hold time is summarized wait time in queue for every call.
Queue answered calls
This report will show you more details about answered calls like number of agent, caller hangups or number of transfers that every queue had. Here hold time is time that call waited in queue before it is answered by agent.
Queue unanswered calls
Queue inbound calls per agent
This report shows queue calls per agent and also per queue. Note: per hour is not fully correct because agent session time is for every queue that agent is member.
Queue callback calls
This report shows you all callback calls per queue. Details about every call you have on breakdown. Note: Hold time in this case is time until caller answers or abandons callback.
Repeated callers
This report will show you which callers had more than one incoming call. It includes answered and unanswered calls.
All calls (Summary)
All answered calls (Summary)
All unanswered calls (Summary)
Distributions for all calls per day
This report will show you all calls per each day. List of days depends on time range filter.
Distributions for all calls per day of month
This report will summarize all calls for every 1st, 2nd … day of month.
Distributions for all calls per day of week
This report will summarize all calls for every monday, tuesday … sunday.
Distributions for all calls per hour
This report will summarize all calls for every hour.
Inbound calls
This report show you all inbound calls. More details you can find in inbound answered/unanswered.
Inbound answered calls
Inbound unanswered calls
Outbound calls
Outbound answered calls
Outbound unanswered calls
Service level agreement
Service level is calculated per each time range(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120) as:
Service level = answered calls_inside_time/ total_calls * 100
Service level inclusive = 100 - Answered calls inside time / Total all calls * 100
Graphs have same look for both service level.
Calls by direction
All Calls by direction
Answered Calls by direction
Unanswered by direction
Breakdown has the same look for almost every report. Note that on most of the reports you can select an Agent or Queue or Caller that will show you filtered breakdown.
Downloading PDF is done per page, or in otherwords using WYSIWYG techinique. Downloading CSV will download all records in breakdown. If you need for some reason all records then csv is only way to go.
For agent session and pauses breakdown you have information like when login or pause started and their duration. For pause event under column Reason name there will reason name set.
For agent pause on breakdown there are new fields Billable and Payable. This fields were used with agent pause reason codes. They will display (if is set under agent pause reason codes section) if some pause is billable or payable. Also for every reason here you can see what code is used and name for that code. Important: If you delete or edit some reason code, then reason name will not be displayed or it will show you new name you entered for same reason code.
Scheduled Reports
Schedule reports allow you to automatically run and email report results on a scheduled interval basis.
- Name:
- Report name.
- Active:
- Whether the report is active or not.
- (Yes/No)
- Start date:
- Set the start date of the report.
- Run time:
- Set run time.
- (ex. 03:00)
- Repeat:
- Select how often you want the set of action(s) to be applied.
- (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
- Send E-mail:
- Whether you want the report to be sent in an e-mail.
- E-mail:
- Provide the e-mail address on which you want to receive queue reports.
- Attachment:
- Types:
- The report types will be listed here.
- (ex. Statistics for all calls)
Here you can filter data by queue, DID and call duration.
- Time period:
- Select the time period.
- (ex. Last 7 days)
- Queues:
- List of queues that are selected for the report.
- Members:
- Caller:
- Call duration:
- Enter the call duration in seconds. If you enter 200, only calls that lasted less than 200 seconds will be taken into account.
- Hold duration:
- DID:
- Filter calls received only on this DID.
- Time format:
CDR (Call Detail Records) for all queues in the system. In addition to normal operation, an authorized user is able to perform additional actions such as extensive search, listen to recorded queues, call any destinations listed, and access advanced features.
- From:
- The extension number the call was made from
- (ex. If the call was made from extension 1001 to extension 1004, '1001' is displayed here).
- (Display)
- To:
- Number the call was made to
- (ex. If the call was made from extension 1001 to 1004, '1004' is displayed here).
- (Display)
- Date/Time:
- Date and Time when the call was made
- (ex. 04 Oct 2006 10:44:10)
- (Display)
- Duration:
- Call duration time in hh:mm:ss format
- (00:12:45)
- (Display)
- Call Rating:
- Time billed by the system
- (ex. 00:12:45)
- Cost:
- Total cost of the call calculated through a service plan
- (ex. 0.71)
- (Display)
- Status:
- Displays the call status
- Example:
- Depending on whether a call was answered or not, this field value may have the following content:
- Answered
- Not Answered
- Busy
- Error
- (Display)
This icon is displayed once a call is recorded and 'Delete' or 'Listen' enhanced service is activated
This is a box used with the CDR commands to select a desired call
- Start Date:
- Select a Search/Filter start date
- (ex. Click on the small 'Calendar' icon next to any field and select the desired date)
- (Option button)
- End Date:
- Select a Search/Filter end date
- (ex. Click on the small 'Calendar' icon next to any field and select the desired date)
- (Option button)
- From:
- Select whether you want to search the CDRs by Destination(s) or Trunk from where the call came in
- (ex. Destination(s) or Trunks)
- (Select box)
- To:
- This field points to Queue(s) for which you are searching
- (ex. Queue(s))
- (Select box)
- ID:
- ID of the CDR. When a user selects a CDR, the ID field shows that CDR's ID. If there are problem on the system, the customer can supply the support team with the problematic CDR ID which helps in locating it.
- (ex. 1221447123.66)
- ([0-9] .)
- Start Time When searching for CDRs, this is the start time in the Start Date
- (ex. Time in hh:mm:ss format like 10:15:30)
- ([0-9] :)
- End Time
- When searching for CDRs, this is the end time in the End Date
- (ex. Time in hh:mm:ss format like 15:20:30)
- ([0-9] .)
- From
- If you choose Destination(s) in the 'From' Select box, you will enter the extension from which the call came to the queue. If your selection was Trunk, you will have a Select box in this place where you can choose a trunk on the system from which the call came to the queue.
- Example:
- Destination(s) - 1009
- Trunk - Sales
- ([0-9] or Select box)
- To
- Here you will enter the number of the queue in which the call ended up.
- (ex. 1007)
- ([0-9])
- Status:
- Search calls by selecting the desired call status
- Example:
- Click on the 'Please Select' button and select one of the available fields:
- All
- Answered
- Not Answered
- Busy
- Error
- (Select box)
After making any changes to the search filter, be sure to click on the search icon
- Listen:
- Once the 'Listen' icon is displayed next to a call record, it means that the specific call was recorded.
- (ex. To play recorded calls, check the box next to the 'Listen' icon and click 'Listen'. The browser will prompt you to open the sound file in your audio player or to download the sound file).
- (Option button)
By default, the sound format is available as a .gsm file. To change the recording format, go to: 'Settings: Servers: Edit: Recordings format' and select one of the available sound formats:
- gsm
- wav
- wav49
- ogg
To establish a call between any PBXware extension with the listed extensions, you have to provide two things: the Caller $EXTENSION number and the $DESTINATION extension
- Caller
- PBXware extension that will make a call
- (Provide any PBXware extension number here, 1001 for example)
- ([0-9])
- Destination:
- Destination extension that will be dialed by the 'Caller' extension
- (ex. To select a destination extension, first check a box next to a CDR record. This field will display two extensions listed under the 'From' and 'Destination' selected record)
- (Select button)
After setting 'Caller' and 'Destination' extensions, click the call icon.